Big Mistakes to Avoid with Your Small Business

Small business owners are some of the most passionate people on this planet. Many times, these people have planned, saved and dreamed of their small business for years before it finally comes to fruition.

Simply Helpful strives to nurture small business owner’s dreams, by assisting them to build a strategic plan, organizing company documents and providing brilliant marketing and promotional ideas.

We’re also the perfect source for professional advice. Even the most promising small business can fall victim to these “greenhorn” mistakes. The first five years takes a lot out of a business owner; dodging life’s curveballs, staying profitable and getting the word out that they exist.

With a small business owner’s strong passions and drive also comes personal responsibility and a yearning to become self-reliant. Tara Elder, Simply Helpful Chief Stress Reliever and founder says, “I know this is true for me,” regarding being her own boss.

This week, we will reveal the most dangerous small business quicksand pit that has doomed many small business newbies across the country.


Elder says, “One of the biggest mistakes made by new business owners is only focusing on the tasks they like to work on and letting other important but less ‘fun’ tasks fall by the wayside.”

The seduction of procrastination will always find a new way to tempt us, but there are ways to keep it at bay. Hire a small business coach to help you to coordinate and schedule important tasks. If you choose a confidant or family member to fulfill this role, be sure they will hold you accountable. In most situations, it’s better to hire a professional, certified and experienced coach, outside of your circle of family and friends.

Elder says, “A business coach can help give an objective perspective and suggestions on tasks you may not have even known you should be keeping up on.” A professional small business coach outside of your personal circle like Deseri Garcia, President and Founder of Vida Aventura, won’t be afraid to hold you to the tasks that need to be done and will make sure you fulfill them by their designated deadlines.

Pushing aside projects or tedious tasks, isn’t always intentional. Sometimes our personality types come into play when focusing on creating a task list for your small business.
For example, a more exuberant, people-oriented individual may focus more intensely on sales and promotions.

“…someone who typically loves to be out shaking hands and kissing babies does not always love the follow up with the paperwork, billing and office organization that can keep them in the office and away from their prospects,” says Elder.

Elder continues, “in this case, a business coach can help you to create a schedule where you set appointments with yourself to do these tasks or recommend a person or service to outsource to help you with these tasks.”

Whereas, a more introverted person may find accounting work and social media updates more appealing than networking. In reality, all of these tasks are crucial to upholding a profitable small business, but depending on the person, certain tasks take higher rank in their minds, due to their personality makeup.

As a new business owner, hiring on help may feel like throwing money into the wind, but it pays off. Intentionally or unintentionally, through the passion, drive and yearning, people are people and make mistakes.

Get the help you need and watch your business thrive. With proper coaching, your business will be more well rounded, grow in popularity more quickly and become increasingly profitable faster than roughing it on your own.

Check out the Simply Helpful website to see what we can do for your small business, don’t succumb to procrastination! Also, keep an eye out for our next blog where we’ll give you more Simply Helpful tips, tricks and advice.

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